Fun Fact: The Chinese Elm is also known as the Lacebark Elm.
Besides its importance as a timber producer, the tree is best known for being a source of maple syrup. The tree is deciduous and during the fall the tree produces brightly colored foliage ranging from yellow, orange or red. Because of its bright foliage it is sometimes used as an ornamental. Leaves are 3.5-5.5 inches (9-14 cm) in diameter and are deeply palmate with 5-lobes. Approximately as long as wide. Leaf surface is bright green above and pale green below. Flowers have no corolla and are perfect and staminate and appearing with leaves in crowded, umbel-like corymbs. Fruits appears in the autumn are dry and appear in the autumn on slender stems. They are dry with horseshoe-shape and slightly divergent wings 1.0-1.25 inches (2.5-3-6 cm) long. Twigs slender, shiny, and brownish with light-colored lenticels, pith is white, terminal buds (6-9 mm) long, acute, sharply pointed, with 4 to 8 pairs of visible scales; lateral buds smaller; leaf scars V-shaped; with 3 bundle scars. Bark is gray on older trees and deeply furrowed. Tree is capable of regenerating by stump sprout and root suckers. Some tree specimens have been known to attain an age of 300 to 400 years.
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