Fun Fact: The Chinese Elm is also known as the Lacebark Elm.
A popular shade tree in the United States in part due to its rapid growth rate. The willow oak is a medium to large tree reaching 80-100 feet high. Open-grown tees are distinctive with oval or oblong crown and bright green leaves. Leaves are deciduous but often tardy, Typical leaf length is 2-5 inches (5-13 cm) and 0.5-0.75 inches (1-2 cm) wide. Leaf shape is narrow, linear to linear-lanceolate, margin is entire. Fall foliage color is yellow-brown. The tree is monoecious. Male and female flowers typically are present growing separately on the same branch. Flowers are imperfect, appearing on old and new growth. Male flowers resemble tassels in appearance and a called catkins. An oak catkin consists of a bract, a lobed calyx and pollen-producing stamens. Once the released the pollen is released, the entire catkin will fall from the tree. Female flowers are rarely seen by the casual observer, but typically appear approximately one week later than male flowers, just as pollen begins to be shed. The female flowers have three very small, reddish stigmas that rise up from the ovules located at the base of the female flower. Fruit is an acorn nut maturing in 1-2 seasons. Bark is smooth and steel-gray on young stems, ultimately developing irregular fissure and becoming nearly black on mature trees.
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